CPM LTI Integration Server


CPM is proud to support LTI v1.1. CPM is offering support for LTI v1.1 in order to support popular Learning Management Systems(LMS) such as Schoology and Canvas.

What is LTI?

Learning Tools Interoperability® (LTI®) is a specification developed by IMS Global Learning Consortium. The principal concept of LTI is to establish a standard way of integrating rich learning applications (often remotely hosted and provided through third-party services) with platforms like learning management systems, portals, learning object repositories, or other educational environments. In LTI these learning applications are called Tools (delivered by Tool Providers) and the LMS, or platforms, are called Tool Consumers.

The basic use case behind the development of the LTI specification is to allow the seamless connection of web-based, externally hosted applications and content, or tools (from simple communication applications like chat, to domain-specific learning environments for complex subjects like math or science) to platforms that present them to users. In other words, if you have an interactive assessment application or virtual chemistry lab, it can be securely connected to an educational platform in a standard way without having to develop and maintain custom integrations for each platform.

(Retrieved from https://www.imsglobal.org/activity/learning-tools-interoperability 2017)

Getting Started with CPM and LTI!

In order to bring CPM content into your preferred LMS platform you are required to obtain a LTI Consumer Key and Secret that can be obtained from CPM's eBooks Licensing System (ELS) as shown below

To allow integration between CPM's licensed content and your preferred LMS, CPM requires you configure your LMS privacy settings to provide the userid/login and email address (this information is NOT stored).

Integrating with Canvas

LTI documentation - Schoology and Canvas with CPM

Integrating with Schoology

LTI documentation - Schoology and Canvas with CPM

LTI keys

In order to obtain your LTI Consumer Key and Secret. Click on the LTI Key menu item in the Customer Admins drop down menu within https://els.cpm.org

Looking LTI keys?

Are you an school or district administration? School and district administrator accounts can retrieve their LTI integration keys from our eBooks Licensing Server. Login to your account and retrieve your keys.Read More